Abbreviations Key

S = single fan-one plant

Clump = multiple fans-at least 3--maybe 4, 5, or more

Disp = display-not for sale now but probably will be in the future

Dor = dormant foliage habit (note-foliage habit is not an indicator of hardiness)

Ev = evergreen foliage habit

Sev = semi-evergreen foliage habit (foliage partially recedes in winter)

Fall = not expected to be available until late summer or fall

Disp = display only-inquire as to availability

Double form = having extra petals resulting in a fuller appearance

Polytepal = a daylily displaying an extra set of petals and sepals-also called polymerous

Re = registered as a rebloomer -may not do so in all areas

Self = flower parts are all same color

Spider = a flower with petal length is at least 4 times its width

UFO = unusual form-simply put, spidery types with unusual looking petals or sepal

EE = extra early bloomer

E = early bloomer

EM = early-mid season bloomer

M = mid-season bloomer

MLa = mid-late bloomer

La = late Bloomer

VLa = very late bloomer